Contact Us

There a variety of ways to get in touch with the club.

Join us at one of our rides, meetings, or picnics, anyone is welcome!

Online, you can get in touch via any of our board and event organizer emails, or join our email list.

Social Media

For up-to-the-minute updates on club or event-specific goings-on we have social media accounts:

Rapid Wheelmen Club Page - Check here for big club announcements, club meeting, party, and picnic events.

Rapid Wheelmen Group - This is an open group you can post questions to.  Look here for ride planning and discussion, as well as check for Go/No Go decisions regarding some club rides.

Specific Events

For details about specific events, these social media pages are all set for your specific questions.  They're also a good place to check for last minute changes.

Rapid Wheelmen Time Trials - This is a page specific to the Time Trials.  Look here for that weather dependent Go/No Go decision, as well as results.

Ride Around Kent County - This is a page specific to the Ride Around Kent County event.

100 Grand - This is a page specific to the 100 Grand event.

Maple Leaf Tour - This is a page specific to the Maple Leaf event.

Colorburst Ride - This is a page specific to the Colorburst event.

Or head over to our group page at!